Who are these undecided voters in the upcoming election? The choice has been so clear for so long, how can anyone still not have made their choice?
I particularly wonder about the swing states. Do these people not know how critical their votes are?
I am hoping that the debates on Wednesday may ratchet up the interest and get some blood flowing in what has been an otherwise pretty bloodless competition. I guess there has been some bleeding around the gums from all the mealy-mouthed excuse making...
And what's with all the pundits assuming that people in New Hampshire will vote for Mitt Romney because he is from a neighboring state? Don't they realize how long ago they started calling it "Taxachusetts"? No love lost there. I just saw John Sununu claiming that a recent poll in NH was "garbage" because it put Obama up by double digits. Of course the base will hold their noses and vote against Obama, but politics is a thinking man's (and woman's) sport in New England, played on long-established fields with rules like "good fences make good neighbors". This part of the country has never been a one-issue voting bloc, so Republicans might want to hedge their bets.