If you don't know me, I am a semi-retired college professor and digital graphics professional who was disabled by a stroke in my 40's, despite good health and no history. but this story is not really about me; it is universal.
I was motivated to finish this, although working on it for a while, by a twitter comment I saw a few days ago: "No filter, say what you feel". It made sense in context.
I've always tried to "say what I mean and mean what I say". No white lies or backing away from the truth..."What a tangled web we weave etc. etc. My ingrained sense of humor often warps this in ways other people may find offensive at times. But I say it with a smile, and if it sounds offensive to them, they should call me out on it, which they often do. If not it remains their problem, not mine. I have often called people out on things I find offensive, and if a joke, point out that it is not funny.
One consequence of stroke is the effect on executive function, meaning
decision-making, working memory, difficulty with transitioning between
tasks, organization, control of impulses and emotional responses. There
are more. See below. As my filter is now damaged, my innate "damn-the-torpedos" nature takes over.
Okay, let me get to the point here...
I have some trouble walking because of the stroke. Living where I do, I am extra careful when weather creates obstacles. However I consider it good for me, holistically, to get out of my climate-controlled building every day.
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